Why I’m building a more resilient nervous system in 2023

Learning how to consciously regulate my nervous system is my number one focus and will be my unlock this year - here’s why:

  1. Heal from chronic illness - After 4 years of suffering from debilitating mystery symptoms and seeing dozens of healthcare providers, I was finally diagnosed with an immune cell disorder called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). From my research on chronic illness, I’ve learned nervous system dysregulation is one of the most influential factors that keeps people stuck in a loop of pain and illness. Regulating the nervous system and moving from the sympathetic nervous system (fight, flight, freeze) to the parasympathetic (rest and digest) is the first step to healing.

  2. Deepen connection in my most important relationships -  I sometimes struggle with feeling emotionally unsafe, unseen and unheard in my relationships. While the people I care about sometimes do things that hurt me, they love me and are doing their best given what they know in that moment. They are imperfect and having their own experience, just like me. I want to make more space for the ups and downs of being in relationship with other humans, and create a sense of safety in my body that empowers me to feel secure in my relationship with myself first, and then others. 

  3. Do more of what I love - I’ve been an extreme perfectionist for as long as I can remember. The perfectionism causes a lot of anxiety that puts me in a state of analysis paralysis. I always end up moving forward but it requires so much energy to overcome the freeze state. What would my life look like if I harnessed that energy to write more? To rest more (not just numb out on my phone)? To spend more time with friends? To build a business?

  4. Become a conscious (enough) parent - I’m about to start the process of IVF. Assuming I become a mom, being a safe, present and loving homebase for my little ones is what will matter to me most. If I don’t feel safe in my own body and I have trouble being there for myself, how can I be there for them, especially when they’re upset? 

  5. Experience more presence, joy and contentment - This is my one wild and precious life and I want to be more present for it every day. If I’m stuck in flight, fight or freeze, I’m just trying to survive—I’m certainly not present, joyful, or content. Whatever the day holds, I want to be there fully feeling it all - BOTH the pain and beauty of each moment.

I will be writing 30 short posts over the next 30 days sharing resources, learnings, insights, struggles, and wins on my journey to build nervous system regulation. Care to join me in learning (and practicing) how to build a more resilient nervous system?